
Reading Quantified, iOS Edition

June 11, 2019


It's finally here! The iOS version of Reading Quantified. Here's a video demonstrating its capabilities.


The UI is pretty barebones at the moment. The goal was to focus on the features I've been most particularly interested in, which are centered around two views:

  • Dashboard: Shows key metrics filtered by year. The metrics are: number of books finished, average days to finish, shortest read in days, and longest read in days.
  • Books: Provides a table of all the books that are searchable and sortable by title, date started, and date finished.

How it works

The app communicates with the REST API server using a network abstraction library called Moya. Access to the REST APIs require a JSON Web Token, which is generated for a valid username and password. The data are then stored locally in a Realm database.

The app also attempts to use software design best practices for Swift. (The keyword is attempts.... :)) This includes using an MVVM architecture, Swinject for dependency injection, and RxSwift to communicate changes between logically separated portions of the app.

Here's a high-level diagram that illustrates the architecture:

Reading Quantified iOS App Architecture

Next steps

This is just the beginning of the project's iOS journey. Expect enhancements and new features!